Our Community Feature for the month of December

While sharing the goodness of Finally, Truly Healthy chocolates®, our community has grown as clients have become friends.⁠

We first met Natasha Manning who is @Tash_lifts on Instagram almost two years ago in one of our vegan pop-ups. She was friendly but understandably reserved, but she loved our traditional hot cocoa and vegan chocolate bars. We followed each other on Ig and discovered that she was relatively new to powerlifting. Wow. A sport for the brave. Later we found out that this unlikely sport gave her a chance to re-channel her energies when she was in a dark period. Natasha’s competition total is now at 372.5kg across squats (135kg), bench(72.5kg), and deadlifts (165kg). That’s a looooot of kgs to lift! 💪🏼😍 Come 2023, she is hoping to start training other people to start powerlifting.  

Our friendship with her started when she ordered from us online. Somehow we managed to discuss e-commerce because that was her area of expertise. So when she started giving us at Co Chocolat feedback about our check-out process and how we can improve the customer journey online, we were delighted! And of course, we implemented what we can straightaway.

We found out later over coffee and cakes, a day before one of her competitions, that she is a staunch supporter of ethical brands. Another kindred soul who wants to make a difference through her purchasing power. She told us that her dad exerts a huge influence in her life, especially on health-related topics.

Our spotlight this month is on Natasha Manning – a powerlifter, e-commerce consultant, true chocolate-lover, and a brave soul! She is not just a valued community member but a friend to us here at Co Chocolat.  

We asked her a few questions: 

1. What got you started with powerlifting?

A friend of mine is a powerlifter & I started watching her compete. I kept thinking I could never do it but the more I watched the more inspired felt. So one day I was brave enough to call Desert Barbell, the rest as they say is history. Powerlifting really makes me feel alive, I'm in my power when I step up to the bar. It has taught me so much about resilience, strength & community. It's so much more than a sport

2. What can you advice women when it comes to embracing their own power and find their own passion?

Firstly, try things to find out what makes you feel alive & empowered. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a good thing. Then once you find it, commit to it & work for it.

3. You have been supporting us from the very start, what is your favorite Co Chocolat product?

- Ooooooh a tough one, but I will have to say it's Power-up! It is part of my pre-workout routine and I love every bit of it! 

Co Community Feature of the Month

What do they all have in common? The same values and love for honestly good chocolates while they too want our cacao farmers to prosper.

Those fun encounters with our customers that started with chocolates and food eventually led to interesting, and inspiring conversations. We discovered their passions through these exchanges and with our community growing bigger and more diverse each day, we figured it would just be awesome if we can inspire more people with fun and interesting features about our friends in the Co Chocolat Community.

Could you be our next featured member?


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