Whether your students are 8 or 18 years, this is one chocolate tour that will truly make an impression. We want the next generation to learn the fun and delicious aspect of chocolatemaking through tastings and demo while they learn the responsibilities of ethical chocolates.

Students will also learn how their food choices can empower cacao farmers, how chocolates are actually healthy depending on ingredients and how they’re made, and for those looking for a career in Food and Beverage or Business, our tours will allow them to talk to our co-founders who started this tiny business with passion and has now become on of the most promising brands born in the UAE.

Primary School 

At the end of the tour for children 5 to 12 years old, they will be:

  1. Educated about the main ingredient of chocolates which is cacao.
  2. They will learn how to mould chocolates and pack them.
  3. They will learn about the nutritional benefits of cacao.
  4. They can distinguish unhealthy chocolate compounds from healthy dark chocolates.


Middle School and College Students 

At the end of the tour for children 13 to 19 years old, they will be:

  1. Be able to speak with one or both of our co-founders who can discuss the experience of creating a social enterprise and also what a career in Food and Beverage means.
  2. Educated about the unethical practices and child slavery in the chocolate industry.
  3. Able to understand the differences between a company with a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) vs. a company that is a social enterprise using Co Chocolat as a sample.
  4. Differentiate different dietary preferences and how to distinguish between sweet treats and chocolates i.e. vegan, gluten-free, and diabetic-friendly.
  5. Familiar with the fruit cacao - origins, terroir, health benefits, and roasting profiles.
  6. Differentiate unhealthy chocolate compounds vs. real dark chocolates.
  7. Familiar with the farm-to-bar process of creating chocolates; what differentiates it from bean-to-bar?
  8. Able to see in chocolatey action Fair Trade. They become aware of unethical food sourcing practices happening globally and how their shopping choices can help eradicate or perpetuate these unfair labor practices often being inflicted on children.
  9. Able to mould and package chocolates they themselves created, and get to bring them home.



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